Latitude is a boutique investment partnership based in London. We run a multi asset strategy that invests in a concentrated portfolio of companies designed to generate superior long-term returns, while diversifying risk. On the non-equity side, we invest in bonds, currencies and commodities which generate uncorrelated returns with downside protection. We offer our clients:
1 Simplicity of Process
One clear, focused investment philosophy
2 Culture
Latitude is a boutique investment partnership, majority owned by staff
3 Performance
Superior returns over all time periods versus peers, participating in good markets, and protecting the downside in bad markets.
Oct 2016 to Dec 2024 net of fees performance:
4 Client Service
We have built a suite of custom reporting tools for our charity clients, and we have the flexibility to provide a service that most others do not. We can produce fully consolidated reports detailing the charity’s total investment portfolio (not just the part we manage ourselves).