Services Provided

  • Discretionary
  • Advisory
  • Execution


  • Private Bank
  • Founded 1865

Pooled Accounts

  • Not offered

Segregated Accounts

  • Minimum Account £5M
  • Assets Under Management £2.59B
  • Number Of Clients 151

About HSBC

The Charities and Education team within HSBC Private Banking delivers a bespoke relationship management service, with experienced specialists who look after charities, educational organisations and not-for-profits. We provide a tailored, flexible solution that exceeds our clients’ needs and expectations.

HSBC maintain a clear commitment to the charity sector through numerous volunteering programmes, strategic partnerships and educational courses. We are proud to be part of a team of talented individuals who are passionate about the charities sector and the vision many of our charitable clients promote.

We aim to act as more than simply an investment advisor and our clients see us as trusted partners. We like to take a holistic view of each client relationship to find the best solutions from across HSBC to enable them to prosper. Our clients particularly value the education process, where we work with trustees and committees to deepen investment knowledge – whether it’s at a basic level or more technical.

With our track record and experience in the charity sector, we believe that we are well placed to support clients to achieve a long and sustainable future.

Discretionary investment management:

• Delegate the management of your portfolios to dedicated specialists

• Take advantage of our global expertise and reach without the need for involvement in the day to day management of the portfolio

• Find the optimal investment solution that fits your specific investment objectives and risk tolerance

• Our discretionary services give charities a diversified, strategic exposure to a wide range of assets designed to maximise returns within targeted risk parameters

• We run charity specific mandates to enable clients to benefit from the best of HSBC’s thinking, with the ability to customise holdings and asset allocation as needed (subject to minimum criteria). This has included entirely removing fossil fuels on an indirect basis and using equities focused on supporting the UN SDGs.

• We integrate ESG into our investment process for all portfolios; can apply ethical restrictions in line with your charity’s investment policy and build a sustainable portfolio for you.

Specialist charity services:

• Lending against the client’s investment portfolio, enabling flexibility with the client’s balance sheet and access to liquidity

• Support with investment policies

• Investment training for Trustees, Finance teams and Committees

• Cashflow planning on the client’s investments, enabling the client to understand the long-term impact of drawing funds from their portfolio

• Access to thought provoking investment and charity-specific events

• Insight, experience and connections from the Commercial Banking Charities Sector team who help +100,000 charity clients

Advisory & execution only:

• Institutional platform which means we can advise on a range of asset classes to fulfil specific and complex investment requirements, or trade on the client’s behalf

• Access to a wide range of asset classes, including private equity, single stocks, bonds, FX, structured investments, hedge funds, and real estate

• We combine the institutional market-leading technology of Aladdin Wealth with the capabilities of HSBC Group in a manner bespoke to the client’s investment needs and circumstances

Our Philosophy

Our investment philosophy is built on five equally important pillars:

1. Diversification: By allocating across asset classes, geographies and investment styles, you can reduce volatility without comprising on expected returns
2. Long-term focus: Maintain target risk level over the long term and thus do not try and time the market cycles.
3. Optimisation: Through rigorous analysis we look at current valuations and combine with our outlook to create the optimal target allocation.
4. Rebalancing: Ongoing risk management includes rebalancing, following market fluctuations.
5. Holistic approach: Adopting an holistic approach means that risk can be assessed and mitigated across your overall wealth picture.