
Waverton's Engagement and Voting Report 2023

01 May 2024

As active, long-term investors, we prefer to build constructive relationships with company management and engage with them directly on a regular basis, both to better understand their business model and direction of travel, and to encourage better corporate behaviours. Waverton also participates in collaborative engagement initiatives to drive an improvement in the availability, quality and standardisation of corporate disclosures on environmental impact. These include CDP and Climate Action 100+.

We exercise our voting rights as another way to help influence positive outcomes that we believe will ultimately enhance and protect shareholder value. We partner with Glass Lewis as our proxy voting provider and review each proposal individually, with responsibility for voting decisions sitting with the Investment team as part of our genuinely integrated approach to ESG.

We provide details on Waverton's Engagement and Voting policies and report our progress annually in our Engagement and Voting report.

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