We know that many charities have moved to remote or hybrid working in recent years. Remote working can be really beneficial to both charities and their staff, allowing organisations to attract good candidates for vacant positions and to retain valued employees. But we also know that remote working can raise operational and administrative challenges, particularly if employees want to work in a variety of locations or even from abroad.
In this webinar, Carla Whalen - partner in Russell-Cooke’s charity and social business team - is joined by specialist tax advisers from charity auditors and accountants, Sayer Vincent, and technology experts from Adapta Consulting. Together, they consider the benefits and the challenges of operating in a remote working environment.
LinkedIn profile for Carla Whalen
Our specialist charity lawyers can advise you across a range of issues, from setting up a charity, entering into a new lease or contracts, to advising on a merger or campaign. For more information, or to speak with a member of the team, please contact us (020 3826 7510) or complete our online enquiry form.
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