The next tranche of charity law reforms under the Charities Act 2022 are due to be implemented in March this year.
The reforms were originally due to be implemented in the autumn of 2023 but have been pushed back on two separate occasions, reflecting their complexity and the work that is ongoing behind the scenes to ensure their implementation is as smooth as possible.
The most significant will likely be the reforms to the rules on amending governing documents. The aim of these reforms is to enable charities to amend their governing documents more easily, with Charity Commission oversight where appropriate.
Unincorporated charities
The reforms will repeal the current, limited powers of unincorporated charities to:
These powers will be replaced with a wide statutory power that will enable unincorporated charities to amend any provision in their governing document by a resolution of the trustees (or by a resolution of the trustees and a resolution of the members, where required).
Any amendment must be in the best interests of the charity and must not result in the charity ceasing to be a charity.
Charity Commission consent will also be required for certain amendments, including (but not limited to):
Whilst care will need to be taken in exercising this power and in ensuring the correct process is followed, this is a momentous reform that will significantly simplify the process of amending a governing document for a large number of charities.
Charitable Companies
Under the reforms, a charitable company will no longer need to obtain Charity Commission consent to alter its objects, where the alteration does not alter the substance of its charitable purposes.
Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs)
The reforms will also set out the matters the Charity Commission must consider when deciding whether or not to give consent to a proposed amendment to a CIO’s charitable purposes.
This will align the rules on making changes to a charity’s purposes for charitable companies, CIOs and, following the above reforms, unincorporated charities.
Included in the matters that must be considered, is the need for the CIO to have purposes which are suitable and effective in the light of current social and economic circumstances.
In addition to the changes to the law on amending governing documents, the reforms will also include:
If you or your charity has any questions in relation to the upcoming charity law reforms, or if you have any questions in relation to reviewing or updating your charity’s governing document, please contact our charity law specialists:
Catherine Rustomji – [email protected]
Fiona Miller – [email protected]
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